
Monday June 27, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400m run

:10 hang

10m samson stretch

10m lateral lunge

10 beat swings

5 quad stretch toe touch/leg

10m inchworm

10m bear crawl

10 kipping beat swings

10 cossack squats

20 skater hops

:30 couch stretch/eg

:30 ankle stretch on bench/leg

Back Rack Lunge (4 x 4/leg)

Dropping the reps back down to 4 x 4/leg like we did in week 1. We are now adding 5-10% to the weight we have been using for the past 3 weeks, and that will be the weight we will use for the next 3 weeks. LOG THE WEIGHT!!!

Superset with:

20 leg lifts

20 plank dips

Metcon (Time)


10 overhead lunges empty bar (complete 4 Burpees over bar at beginning and end of each set of lunges)

200M Run

10 T2B or Knee Raises

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