
New Wendler Cycle Starts Today!! January 24, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400m run

PVC routine

10 beat swings

20 banded pull aparts

:30 couch stretch/leg

:30 ankle stretch on bench/leg

WENDLER WEEK 1: We are starting a new Wendler cycle with Front Squats (Mondays), Push Press (Wednesdays) and Back Rack Lunges (Fridays)

If you do NOT have a front squat 1RM, use 80% of your 1RM back squat as your “1RM front squat.”

Take that number and take 90% of that, and that will be the number you base your percentages off.

If you have a 1RM front squat, take 90% of that, and that will be your weight to base all percentages off. (We maxed out our front squats on 9/2/2021. Maybe (hopefully) you logged it or wrote that number down somewhere if you were here!)

Ex. 1RM is 100lbs. 90%=90lbs, so 90lbs is what I will base my percentages off.

Log weights lifted for each set today!!

Front Squat (5 @ 65%)

Front Squat (5 @ 75%)

Front Squat (5+ @ 85%)

Log how many reps you got!! Shooting for 5 or more!!

Metcon (Time)



Deadlifts (185/135)

Pull-ups/ring rows



Deadlifts (225/155)

C2B/pull-ups/jumping pull-ups/ring rows
20 minute cap

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