Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
50 jumping jacks
5 narrow grip rig raises
10 good mornings
10 beat swings
5 quad stretch toe touch/;eg
50 jumping jacks
5 KB strict press/arm
10 kipping beat swings
5 slow and lows
50 jumping jacks
:30 calf stretch/leg
See Monday’s note on new cycle and how to calculate your “1RM” for Wendler percentages.
*We maxed out push press on 9/1/2021, so if you logged anything that day, go check!
*We maxed out strict press on 12/1/2021, so if you do not have a push press, your strict press is roughly 70% of your push press, so you can do some math there and get an estimated 1RM push press and go from there.
Push Press (5 @ 65%)
Push Press (5 @ 75%)
Push Press (5+ @ 85%)
Log how many reps you got!!!! Shooting for 5 or more!!!
Crossfit Games Open 20.2 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters
6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders
50-lb/35-lb dumbbells
Knees to Elbow
48 Single Unders
55+ ages
DB weight 35s/20s