
Rowing Into the New Year Like…January 4, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


30 DU/60 SU

10m bear crawl

10m inchworm

5 quad stretch toe touch/leg

30 DU/60 SU

10m duck walk

10m Samson stretch

5 slow and lows

10 good mornings

:30 calf stretch/leg



1 x 1000m row

2 x 500m rows

3 x 300m rows

Rest 1:1 or when partner is rowing

(1:1 rest means you will rest for as long as it took you to row the specified distance)

Metcon (Time)


100 DU/200 SU

80 Alternating DB snatches

60 Sit-ups

40 DB shoulder to overhead

20 Devils press (2 DBs)

10 Wall walks
22 minute cap

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