
Swamp City WOD – Sun, Mar 31

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Workout Option 1

Option 1: Mr. Rogers (8 Rounds for time)

Freedom (RX’d)

Every 2:00 (16:00)

200/175m Row

15 V-Ups

*Repeat from April 7th, 2023


Every 2:00 (16:00)

175/150m Row

12 V-Ups


Every 2:00 (16:00)

150/125m Row

15 Sit-ups

Target time each set: 60-75 seconds

Time cap each set: 90 seconds

Workout Option 2

Option 2: Zone 2/Recovery (Checkmark)


You can use the first 2,000m Row below as the warm-up

45-60 Min Easy Zone 1-2

2,000m Row

50 Crossover Single Under

3,000m Bike Erg (or 90/72 cal Air Bike)

30 Sec Sorenson Hold

800m Run

60 Sec Forward Leaning Rest on Rings

* Sub 100 single unders, 50 double-unders, or 1 minute of crossover practice as needed.

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