
Swamp City WOD – Tue, Jan 9

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

200M Run

10 Beat Swings

15/10lb Plate:

10 Ground to OH

10 Twists with Knee Raises

10 Hip to Hip Over the Shoulders

10 Halos

10 Tricep Extensions

10 Squat Presses

10 Single Leg RDL’s

10 Good Mornings

10 OHL’s

10 Side Lunges

10 Situps

20 Russian Twists

Put Plates Away, then 10 Beat Swings


24 Min of work on:




Muscle Ups

Metcon (Time)

400M Row

20 Pull Ups

40 Push Ups

60 Squats

400M Run

20 Pull Ups

40 Push Ups

60 Squats

400M Row

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