Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
400M Run
10 Beat Swings
30 Jumping Jacks
2 Slow and Lows
3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)
10 Squats
10 Side Lunges
10 Beat Swings
4 Sun salutation Push Ups
6 Down Dog Push Ups
5 Jumping Berserker Lunges
10 Beat Swings
Take 25 min to work on the following:
Back Squat (45% of 1RM
Scaling is to perform air squats or use training bar)
Shoulder Press (45% of 1RM
Scaling is to perform press using training bar or PVC. If shoulder more mobility is needed perform I,Y,T,W’s 5×5)
Bulgarian Split Squat (5 x 5 w/KB (18/10)
Scaling option, standard body weight split squats on a flat surface (no bench) use a rig upright for balance)
5 x 5
Death by Burpee Pull Ups (Time)
Minute 1: 1 Rep
Minute 2: 2 Reps
Minute 3: 3 Reps
Minute 4: 4 Reps
Minute 5: 5 Reps