
Broseph. July 22, 2021

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


200m run

:10 hang

10m inchworm

10m perfect stretch

10 lemon squeezers

10 beat swings

10 KB strict press/arm

3 turkish get ups/arm

200m run


5 rounds

10 barbell bicep curl

10 ring dips

10 barbell strict press

10 push-ups (feet elevated on bench to make it harder!)

10 v-ups

In between rounds, work on handstand progressions.

Wall walks, lateral wall walks, pike push ups (feet on box to make it harder), HSW, holds etc.


20 minute AMRAP

250m row

20 American KBS (53/35)

15 KB goblet squats

10 single arm devil press with DB

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