Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
400m run
:10 hang
10m samson stretch
10m lateral lunge
10 beat swings
5 quad stretch toe touch/leg
10m inchworm
10m bear crawl
10 kipping beat swings
10 cossack squats
20 skater hops
:30 couch stretch/eg
:30 ankle stretch on bench/leg
Back Rack Lunge (4 x 4 (each leg))
You are going to choose a weight that you do 4 sets of 4 lunges on each leg. You will use that same weight for the next 3 weeks with the reps increasing to 6 next week and 8 the 3rd week. Choose wisely, but do not go too light! After that 3rd week, we will drop back down to sets of 4/leg again with increased weight!
40-50% of 1RM back squat may be used as a starting point or reference for what weight you may want to start with.
Superset each with:
20 KB russian twists
Metcon (Time)
Thrusters (95/65)
5 wall walks and 400m run after each set of thrusters.
So, the first round would be:
30 thrusters
5 wall walks
400m run
20 minute cap