
TIME. It’s Everything. Make it Count.

Swamp City Fitness first day

We all see a these memes around that do a great job of making you feel like shit if you aren’t fit. So many actually that it becomes an unconscious rebellion and rejection of even attempting to try.


Let me put it this way. That shit bugs me too.


I get it – life is extremely fast paced these days for most of us. Those smug little fitness memes aren’t encouraging me to hit a gym anytime soon. And here’s why:


I think we all actually know that being healthy is probably a pretty good idea, but we also know – deep down inside, that it’s going to take some work. A lot of work. And work takes time. And time – we only have so much of.


Our time is precious. Our work and our families are important – and paramount to how we conduct ourselves each day. We also know that our work and our families need us to be healthy to stay on top and be able to provide 100% to both.


That said – carving time away from those two priorities can be disastrous if its done wrong. It can be risky choosing a fitness gym or program these days. There are so many. And some of them are just straight up garbage – chock full of gimmicks and marketing flash. Or just outright boring.


We get that. Our time is valuable too. We have kids, we work with people who have the craziest of schedules and we understand that their time is so valuable. We do not take that lightly.


We have created a team of coaches and an assortment of programs here at Swamp City designed specifically to give you not only the best value for your hard earned dollar – but the best value for your TIME.


We have coaches here that can train athletes at any level in their fitness journey. They recognize human movement and potential through not only the various certifications they have – but through hours and years of working with athletes and folks just like you. Our coaches come from all walks of fitness and love what they do.


So what?


How does it pertain to you?


Your TIME.


There are no shortcuts – we do believe this needs to embraced before starting any fitness program. But have you ever heard the phrase “if you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough”? That applies here. Choosing a fitness program based on convenience and price – is dumb.

And a dumb choice is time consuming. And it’s frustrating. It sends you back to that mistrustful circle of maybe someday you’ll try to get healthy. All the while eating up your TIME.


If you value your time and respect commitment, you’ve come to the right place.


Our members see results faster here because our coaches know what works, and what doesn’t. We see members begin fixing imbalances and start moving correctly more and more each day. And each day builds on the next.


Members progress faster here than they do anywhere under the careful guidance of our coaches. And it’s not just because of our coaches. It’s also our members. Surrounding yourself with people who actually move well helps YOU move better. Sooner. Safer.


This even applies to outside personal trainers that work in our facility. We rented some time to a local trainer at our Ocala Facility that brought their own clients. It was interesting to watch the quick progression of what started out as, lets just say – “hard to watch”, and the evolution of his program as he spent time around our members and coaches. His clients are moving so much better these days – and kudos to that trainer for raising the bar to meet our level of coaching for his clients.


Our community has that kind of impact. An impact so valuable when time is so important.


Your time is valuable to you. I’m not about to try and force goofy fitness memes or flashy gimmicks on you. I just want to introduce you to a place where we take your time seriously. A place where you can get to your goals just as aggressively as you can commit to them.


Surround yourself with a staff of coaches that respect your time and understand your goals. And be a part of a community that is reaching their fitness goals faster than they ever thought possible.


  • Coach Ted

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