
Who Likes Sprinting? April 12, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400m run

50 lateral hops over line

10m inchworm

10m Samsom stretch

10 beat swings

20 jumping lunges

10m duck walk

10m bear crawl

50 lateral hops over line

10 good mornings

5 jumping berzerker lunges

20 skater hops

:30 calf stretch per leg



Distance: Middle of the cul de sac to the mailbox=1

2 @ 60% effort

2 @ 80% effort

4 @ 100%+ effort

Rest :90 to 2 minutes in between each

Metcon (Time)


10 Hang power cleans (75/55)

10 Push press (75/55)

10 Bar-facing burpees

10 Box jump overs (24″/20″)
15 minute cap

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